mobile solar pump
for smallholder farmers


We have so far
employed 27 staff


We impacted about 22,691
smallholder farmers and 1,702 internally displaced farmers and disable smallholder farmers


We break down barrier for 7109 women smallholder farmers and sponsor education of 106 girl child/p>

1.21 billion

we convert 1.21 billion kilogram of carbon emission

Energy Assured Nigeria Limited is a social entreprise company that helps smallholder/low income farmers with a subscription based, comprehensive and mobile solar pump that is cheaper, affordable, accessible, easy to use and environmentally friendly to draw up water for their all year round farming; instead of using petrol/diesel consuming generators- which pollute environment and petrol/diesel price increases.

Our services include:

Soft Option: Solar rental services where we group clients into clusters, install and serve them while they pay us small token.

Consultancy: We sell and install solar for corporate bodies and independent solar owners

Good Agronomy Practices: We train our clients (smallholder farmers) on proper, modern and best ways of farming right from beginning up to end (harvesting)

Ranching Services: The first of its kind in Nigeria, Energy Assured has recorded more than 30,000 traditional pastoralist subscribers and more than 300,000 head of cattle served.



parallax background


We create jobs
and food insecurity as well.

We have so far employed 27 staff, impacted about 18605 smallholder farmers, created hundreds of jobs along the value chain of agriculture, we break down barrier for 5869 women smallholder farmers, and have involved more than 1200 internally displaced and disable smallholder farmers.




We reduce unemployment rate
and food insecurity as well.

We reduced unemployment rate and food insecurity as well. Our job had also prevented our youth from joining extremists group like Boko Haram, etc